a component of an articulation that represents a rigid body More...
#include <PxArticulationLink.h>
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | release ()=0 |
Deletes the articulation link. More... | |
virtual PxArticulation & | getArticulation () const =0 |
get the articulation to which this articulation link belongs More... | |
virtual PxArticulationJoint * | getInboundJoint () const =0 |
Get the joint which connects this link to its parent. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getNbChildren () const =0 |
Get number of child links. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getChildren (PxArticulationLink **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize) const =0 |
Retrieve all the child links. More... | |
virtual const char * | getConcreteTypeName () const |
Returns string name of dynamic type. More... | |
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virtual void | setCMassLocalPose (const PxTransform &pose)=0 |
Sets the pose of the center of mass relative to the actor. More... | |
virtual PxTransform | getCMassLocalPose () const =0 |
Retrieves the center of mass pose relative to the actor frame. More... | |
virtual void | setMass (PxReal mass)=0 |
Sets the mass of a dynamic actor. More... | |
virtual PxReal | getMass () const =0 |
Retrieves the mass of the actor. More... | |
virtual PxReal | getInvMass () const =0 |
Retrieves the inverse mass of the actor. More... | |
virtual void | setMassSpaceInertiaTensor (const PxVec3 &m)=0 |
Sets the inertia tensor, using a parameter specified in mass space coordinates. More... | |
virtual PxVec3 | getMassSpaceInertiaTensor () const =0 |
Retrieves the diagonal inertia tensor of the actor relative to the mass coordinate frame. More... | |
virtual PxVec3 | getMassSpaceInvInertiaTensor () const =0 |
Retrieves the diagonal inverse inertia tensor of the actor relative to the mass coordinate frame. More... | |
virtual PxVec3 | getLinearVelocity () const =0 |
Retrieves the linear velocity of an actor. More... | |
virtual void | setLinearVelocity (const PxVec3 &linVel, bool autowake=true)=0 |
Sets the linear velocity of the actor. More... | |
virtual PxVec3 | getAngularVelocity () const =0 |
Retrieves the angular velocity of the actor. More... | |
virtual void | setAngularVelocity (const PxVec3 &angVel, bool autowake=true)=0 |
Sets the angular velocity of the actor. More... | |
virtual void | addForce (const PxVec3 &force, PxForceMode::Enum mode=PxForceMode::eFORCE, bool autowake=true)=0 |
Applies a force (or impulse) defined in the global coordinate frame to the actor at its center of mass. More... | |
virtual void | addTorque (const PxVec3 &torque, PxForceMode::Enum mode=PxForceMode::eFORCE, bool autowake=true)=0 |
Applies an impulsive torque defined in the global coordinate frame to the actor. More... | |
virtual void | clearForce (PxForceMode::Enum mode=PxForceMode::eFORCE)=0 |
Clears the accumulated forces (sets the accumulated force back to zero). More... | |
virtual void | clearTorque (PxForceMode::Enum mode=PxForceMode::eFORCE)=0 |
Clears the impulsive torque defined in the global coordinate frame to the actor. More... | |
virtual PX_DEPRECATED void | setRigidDynamicFlag (PxRigidDynamicFlag::Enum flag, bool value)=0 |
Raises or clears a particular dynamic rigid body flag. More... | |
virtual PX_DEPRECATED void | setRigidDynamicFlags (PxRigidDynamicFlags inFlags)=0 |
virtual void | setRigidBodyFlag (PxRigidBodyFlag::Enum flag, bool value)=0 |
Raises or clears a particular rigid body flag. More... | |
virtual void | setRigidBodyFlags (PxRigidBodyFlags inFlags)=0 |
virtual PX_DEPRECATED PxRigidDynamicFlags | getRigidDynamicFlags () const =0 |
Reads the PxRigidBody flags. More... | |
virtual PxRigidBodyFlags | getRigidBodyFlags () const =0 |
Reads the PxRigidBody flags. More... | |
virtual void | setMinCCDAdvanceCoefficient (PxReal advanceCoefficient)=0 |
Sets the CCD minimum advance coefficient. More... | |
virtual PxReal | getMinCCDAdvanceCoefficient () const =0 |
Gets the CCD minimum advance coefficient. More... | |
virtual void | setMaxDepenetrationVelocity (const PxReal biasClamp)=0 |
Sets the maximum depenetration velocity permitted to be introduced by the solver. This value controls how much velocity the solver can introduce to correct for penetrations in contacts. More... | |
virtual PxReal | getMaxDepenetrationVelocity () const =0 |
Returns the maximum depenetration velocity the solver is permitted to introduced. This value controls how much velocity the solver can introduce to correct for penetrations in contacts. More... | |
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virtual PxTransform | getGlobalPose () const =0 |
Retrieves the actors world space transform. More... | |
virtual void | setGlobalPose (const PxTransform &pose, bool autowake=true)=0 |
Method for setting an actor's pose in the world. More... | |
virtual PxShape * | createShape (const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial *const *materials, PxU16 materialCount, PxShapeFlags shapeFlags=PxShapeFlag::eVISUALIZATION|PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE|PxShapeFlag::eSIMULATION_SHAPE)=0 |
Creates a new shape with default properties and a list of materials and adds it to the list of shapes of this actor. More... | |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxShape * | createShape (const PxGeometry &geometry, PxMaterial *const *materials, PxU32 materialCount, const PxTransform &localPose) |
Deprecated function to create shapes with an initial transform. More... | |
PX_FORCE_INLINE PxShape * | createShape (const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxMaterial &material, PxShapeFlags shapeFlags=PxShapeFlag::eVISUALIZATION|PxShapeFlag::eSCENE_QUERY_SHAPE|PxShapeFlag::eSIMULATION_SHAPE) |
Creates a new shape with default properties and a single material adds it to the list of shapes of this actor. More... | |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxShape * | createShape (const PxGeometry &geometry, const PxMaterial &material, const PxTransform &localPose) |
Deprecated function to create shapes with an initial transform. More... | |
virtual void | attachShape (PxShape &shape)=0 |
virtual void | detachShape (PxShape &shape, bool wakeOnLostTouch=true)=0 |
virtual PxU32 | getNbShapes () const =0 |
Returns the number of shapes assigned to the actor. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getShapes (PxShape **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 |
Retrieve all the shape pointers belonging to the actor. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getNbConstraints () const =0 |
Returns the number of constraint shaders attached to the actor. More... | |
virtual PxU32 | getConstraints (PxConstraint **userBuffer, PxU32 bufferSize, PxU32 startIndex=0) const =0 |
Retrieve all the constraint shader pointers belonging to the actor. More... | |
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virtual PxActorType::Enum | getType () const =0 |
Retrieves the type of actor. More... | |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxRigidStatic * | isRigidStatic () |
Attempts to cast to specific actor type. More... | |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxRigidStatic * | isRigidStatic () const |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxRigidDynamic * | isRigidDynamic () |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxRigidDynamic * | isRigidDynamic () const |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxParticleSystem * | isParticleSystem () |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxParticleSystem * | isParticleSystem () const |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxParticleFluid * | isParticleFluid () |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxParticleFluid * | isParticleFluid () const |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxArticulationLink * | isArticulationLink () |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxArticulationLink * | isArticulationLink () const |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxCloth * | isCloth () |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxCloth * | isCloth () const |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxRigidActor * | isRigidActor () |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxRigidActor * | isRigidActor () const |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxRigidBody * | isRigidBody () |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxRigidBody * | isRigidBody () const |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE PxParticleBase * | isParticleBase () |
PX_DEPRECATED PX_INLINE const PxParticleBase * | isParticleBase () const |
virtual PxScene * | getScene () const =0 |
Retrieves the scene which this actor belongs to. More... | |
virtual void | setName (const char *name)=0 |
Sets a name string for the object that can be retrieved with getName(). More... | |
virtual const char * | getName () const =0 |
Retrieves the name string set with setName(). More... | |
virtual PxBounds3 | getWorldBounds (float inflation=1.01f) const =0 |
Retrieves the axis aligned bounding box enclosing the actor. More... | |
virtual void | setActorFlag (PxActorFlag::Enum flag, bool value)=0 |
Raises or clears a particular actor flag. More... | |
virtual void | setActorFlags (PxActorFlags inFlags)=0 |
sets the actor flags More... | |
virtual PxActorFlags | getActorFlags () const =0 |
Reads the PxActor flags. More... | |
virtual void | setDominanceGroup (PxDominanceGroup dominanceGroup)=0 |
Assigns dynamic actors a dominance group identifier. More... | |
virtual PxDominanceGroup | getDominanceGroup () const =0 |
Retrieves the value set with setDominanceGroup(). More... | |
virtual void | setOwnerClient (PxClientID inClient)=0 |
Sets the owner client of an actor. More... | |
virtual PxClientID | getOwnerClient () const =0 |
Returns the owner client that was specified with at creation time. More... | |
virtual void | setClientBehaviorFlags (PxActorClientBehaviorFlags)=0 |
Sets the behavior bits of the actor. More... | |
virtual PxActorClientBehaviorFlags | getClientBehaviorFlags () const =0 |
Retrieves the behavior bits of the actor. More... | |
virtual PxAggregate * | getAggregate () const =0 |
Retrieves the aggregate the actor might be a part of. More... | |
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template<class T > | |
T * | is () |
template<class T > | |
const T * | is () const |
PX_INLINE PxType | getConcreteType () const |
Returns concrete type of object. More... | |
PX_INLINE void | setBaseFlag (PxBaseFlag::Enum flag, bool value) |
Set PxBaseFlag. More... | |
PX_INLINE void | setBaseFlags (PxBaseFlags inFlags) |
Set PxBaseFlags. More... | |
PX_INLINE PxBaseFlags | getBaseFlags () const |
Returns PxBaseFlags. More... | |
virtual bool | isReleasable () const |
Whether the object is subordinate. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
PX_INLINE | PxArticulationLink (PxType concreteType, PxBaseFlags baseFlags) |
PX_INLINE | PxArticulationLink (PxBaseFlags baseFlags) |
virtual | ~PxArticulationLink () |
virtual bool | isKindOf (const char *name) const |
Returns whether a given type name matches with the type of this instance. More... | |
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PX_INLINE | PxRigidBody (PxType concreteType, PxBaseFlags baseFlags) |
PX_INLINE | PxRigidBody (PxBaseFlags baseFlags) |
virtual | ~PxRigidBody () |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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void * | userData |
user can assign this to whatever, usually to create a 1:1 relationship with a user object. More... | |
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PxType | mConcreteType |
PxBaseFlags | mBaseFlags |
a component of an articulation that represents a rigid body
A limited subset of the properties of PxRigidDynamic are supported. In particular, sleep properties are attributes of the articulation rather than each individual body, damping and velocity limits are not supported, and links may not be kinematic.
inlineprotected |
inlineprotected |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
pure virtual |
get the articulation to which this articulation link belongs
pure virtual |
Retrieve all the child links.
[out] | userBuffer | The buffer to receive articulation link pointers. |
[in] | bufferSize | Size of provided user buffer. |
inlinevirtual |
Returns string name of dynamic type.
Reimplemented from PxBase.
pure virtual |
Get the joint which connects this link to its parent.
pure virtual |
inlineprotectedvirtual |
Returns whether a given type name matches with the type of this instance.
Reimplemented from PxRigidBody.
References PxRigidBody::isKindOf().
pure virtual |
Deletes the articulation link.
Do not keep a reference to the deleted instance.
Implements PxRigidActor.