Px1DConstraint | A constraint |
 Px1DConstraintFlag | Constraint row flags |
 PxActiveTransform | Data struct for use with Active Transform Notification. Used with PxScene::getActiveTransforms() |
 PxActor | PxActor is the base class for the main simulation objects in the physics SDK |
 PxActorClientBehaviorFlag | Multiclient behavior bit flags for actors |
 PxActorFlag | Flags which control the behavior of an actor |
 PxActorShape | Combines a shape pointer and the actor the shape belongs to into one memory location |
 PxActorType | Identifies each type of actor |
 PxActorTypeFlag | Identifies each type of actor for retrieving actors from a scene |
 PxAggregate | Class to aggregate actors into a single broad phase entry |
 PxAllocationListener | Abstract listener class that listens to allocation and deallocation events from the foundation memory system |
 PxAllocatorCallback | Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that can be used by the Px library |
 PxAllocId | ID of the Feature which owns/allocated memory from the heap |
 PxAllocIdStats | Statistics collected per AllocationId by HeapManager |
 PxAllocInfo | Class to track allocation statistics, see PxgMirrored |
 PxArticulation | Tree structure of bodies connected by joints that is treated as a unit by the dynamics solver |
 PxArticulationDriveCache | Articulation drive cache |
 PxArticulationJoint | Joint between two links in an articulation |
 PxArticulationJointDriveType | The type of joint drive to use for the articulation joint |
 PxArticulationLink | Component of an articulation that represents a rigid body |
 PxAssertHandler | |
 PxBase | Base class for objects that can be members of a PxCollection |
 PxBaseFlag | Flags for PxBase |
 PxBaseTask | Base class of all task types |
 PxBatchQuery | Batched queries object. This is used to perform several queries at the same time |
 PxBatchQueryDesc | Descriptor class for PxBatchQuery |
 PxBatchQueryMemory | Struct for PxBatchQuery memory pointers |
 PxBatchQueryResult | Generic struct for receiving results of single query in a batch. Gets templated on hit type PxRaycastHit, PxSweepHit or PxOverlapHit |
 PxBatchQueryStatus | |
 PxBinaryConverter | Binary converter for serialized streams |
 PxBitAndDataT | |
 PxBoundedData | |
 PxBounds3 | Class representing 3D range or axis aligned bounding box |
 PxBoxController | Box character controller |
 PxBoxControllerDesc | Descriptor for a box character controller |
 PxBoxGeometry | Class representing the geometry of a box |
 PxBoxObstacle | A box obstacle |
 PxBroadcastingAllocator | Abstract base class for an application defined memory allocator that allows an external listener to audit the memory allocations |
 PxBroadPhaseCallback | Broad-phase callback to receive broad-phase related events |
 PxBroadPhaseCaps | Caps class for broad phase |
 PxBroadPhaseExt | |
 PxBroadPhaseRegion | "Region of interest" for the broad-phase |
 PxBroadPhaseRegionInfo | Information & stats structure for a region |
 PxBroadPhaseType | Broad phase algorithm used in the simulation |
 PxBufferedProfilerCallback | A profiler callback that is called when the event buffer of a PxProfileZone fills up or is flushed |
 PxBufferedProfilerEvent | Event structure for buffered profiler callback |
 PxCapsuleClimbingMode | |
 PxCapsuleController | A capsule character controller |
 PxCapsuleControllerDesc | A descriptor for a capsule character controller |
 PxCapsuleGeometry | Class representing the geometry of a capsule |
 PxCapsuleObstacle | A capsule obstacle |
 PxCCDContactModifyCallback | An interface class that the user can implement in order to modify CCD contact constraints |
 PxClientBehaviorFlag | Behavior bit flags for simulation clients |
 PxCloth | Set of connected particles tailored towards simulating character cloth |
 PxClothCollisionPlane | Plane representation used for cloth-convex collision |
 PxClothCollisionSphere | Sphere representation used for cloth-sphere and cloth-capsule collision |
 PxClothCollisionTriangle | Triangle representation used for cloth-mesh collision |
 PxClothFabric | A cloth fabric is a structure that contains all the internal solver constraints of a cloth mesh |
 PxClothFabricCooker | |
 PxClothFabricDesc | References all the data required to create a fabric |
 PxClothFabricPhase | References a set of constraints that can be solved in parallel |
 PxClothFabricPhaseType | Describe type of phase in cloth fabric |
 PxClothFlag | Flag for behaviors of the cloth solver |
 PxClothGeodesicTetherCooker | |
 PxClothMeshDesc | Descriptor class for a cloth mesh |
 PxClothMeshQuadifier | |
 PxClothMotionConstraintConfig | Solver configuration parameters for the tether phases |
 PxClothParticle | Per particle data for cloth |
 PxClothParticleMotionConstraint | Constraints for cloth particle motion |
 PxClothParticleSeparationConstraint | Separation constraints for cloth particle movement |
 PxClothSimpleTetherCooker | |
 PxClothStretchConfig | Solver configuration parameters for the vertical and horizontal stretch phase types |
 PxClothTetherConfig | Solver configuration parameters for the tether phases |
 PxCollection | Collection class for serialization |
 PxCollectionExt | |
 PxCombineMode | Enumeration that determines the way in which two material properties will be combined to yield a friction or restitution coefficient for a collision |
 PxConcreteType | Enumeration of concrete classes inheriting from PxBase |
 PxConstraint | A plugin class for implementing constraints |
 PxConstraintConnector | This class connects a custom constraint to the SDK |
 PxConstraintExtIDs | Unique identifiers for extensions classes which implement a constraint based on PxConstraint |
 PxConstraintFlag | Table of function pointers for a constraint |
 PxConstraintInfo | Descriptor for a broken constraint |
 PxConstraintInvMassScale | |
 PxConstraintShaderTable | |
 PxConstraintSolveHint | Constraint type hints which the solver uses to optimize constraint handling |
 PxConstraintVisualizationFlag | Flags for determining which components of the constraint should be visualized |
 PxConstraintVisualizer | |
 PxContactHeader | Base header structure for compressed contact data |
 PxContactModifyCallback | An interface class that the user can implement in order to modify contact constraints |
 PxContactModifyPair | An array of instances of this class is passed to PxContactModifyCallback::onContactModify() |
 PxContactPair | Contact report pair information |
 PxContactPairExtraDataItem | Base class for items in the extra data stream of contact pairs |
 PxContactPairExtraDataIterator | A class to iterate over a contact pair extra data stream |
 PxContactPairExtraDataType | Extra data item types for contact pairs |
 PxContactPairFlag | Collection of flags providing information on contact report pairs |
 PxContactPairHeader | An Instance of this class is passed to PxSimulationEventCallback.onContact() |
 PxContactPairHeaderFlag | Collection of flags providing information on contact report pairs |
 PxContactPairIndex | Marker for the beginning of a new item set in the extra data stream |
 PxContactPairPoint | A contact point as used by contact notification |
 PxContactPairPose | World space actor poses of the contact pair rigid bodies |
 PxContactPairVelocity | Velocities of the contact pair rigid bodies |
 PxContactPatch | Header for contact patch where all points share same material and normal |
 PxContactPatchBase | Base header for a contact patch |
 PxContactSet | An array of contact points, as passed to contact modification |
 PxContactStreamIterator | A class to iterate over a compressed contact stream. This supports read-only access to the various contact formats |
 PxController | Base class for character controllers |
 PxControllerBehaviorCallback | User behavior callback |
 PxControllerBehaviorFlag | Controller behavior |
 PxControllerCollisionFlag | Which sides a character is colliding with |
 PxControllerDebugRenderFlag | Debug-rendering flags |
 PxControllerDesc | Descriptor class for a character controller |
 PxControllerFilterCallback | Dedicated filtering callback for CCT vs CCT |
 PxControllerFilters | Filtering data for "move" call |
 PxControllerHit | Describes a generic CCT hit |
 PxControllerManager | Manages an array of character controllers |
 PxControllerNonWalkableMode | How a CCT interacts with non-walkable parts |
 PxControllerObstacleHit | Describes a hit between a CCT and a user-defined obstacle. Passed to onObstacleHit() |
 PxControllerShapeHit | Describes a hit between a CCT and a shape. Passed to onShapeHit() |
 PxControllerShapeType | The type of controller, eg box, sphere or capsule |
 PxControllersHit | Describes a hit between a CCT and another CCT. Passed to onControllerHit() |
 PxControllerState | Describes a controller's internal state |
 PxControllerStats | Describes a controller's internal statistics |
 PxConverterReportMode | |
 PxConvexFlag | Flags which describe the format and behavior of a convex mesh |
 PxConvexMesh | A convex mesh |
 PxConvexMeshCookingResult | Result from convex cooking |
 PxConvexMeshDesc | Descriptor class for PxConvexMesh |
 PxConvexMeshGeometry | Convex mesh geometry class |
 PxCooking | |
 PxCookingParams | Structure describing parameters affecting mesh cooking |
 PxCookingValue | |
 PxCpuDispatcher | A CpuDispatcher is responsible for scheduling the execution of tasks passed to it by the SDK |
 PxCudaBuffer | Buffer which keeps informations about allocated piece of memory |
 PxCudaBufferFlags | Hint flag to tell how the buffer will be used |
 PxCudaBufferMemorySpace | Memory type managed by a heap |
 PxCudaBufferType | Buffer type: made of hint flags and the memory space (Device Memory, Pinned Host Memory, ...) |
 PxCudaContextManager | Manages memory, thread locks, and task scheduling for a CUDA context |
 PxCudaContextManagerDesc | Descriptor used to create a PxCudaContextManager |
 PxCudaInteropMode | Possible graphic/CUDA interoperability modes for context |
 PxCudaMemoryManager | Allocator class for different kinds of CUDA related memory |
 PxCudaMemoryManagerStats | Memory statistics struct returned by CudaMemMgr::getStats() |
 PxD6Axis | Used to specify one of the degrees of freedom of a D6 joint |
 PxD6Drive | Used to specify which axes of a D6 joint are driven |
 PxD6Joint | A D6 joint is a general constraint between two actors |
 PxD6JointDrive | Parameters for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint |
 PxD6JointDriveFlag | Flags for configuring the drive model of a PxD6Joint |
 PxD6Motion | Used to specify the range of motions allowed for a degree of freedom in a D6 joint |
 PxDataAccessFlag | |
 PxDebugColor | Default color values used for debug rendering |
 PxDebugLine | Used to store a single line and colour for debug rendering |
 PxDebugPoint | Used to store a single point and colour for debug rendering |
 PxDebugText | Used to store a text for debug rendering. Doesn't own 'string' array |
 PxDebugTriangle | Used to store a single triangle and colour for debug rendering |
 PxDefaultAllocator | Default implementation of the allocator interface required by the SDK |
 PxDefaultBufferedProfiler | Default implementation for profile event handler |
 PxDefaultCpuDispatcher | A default implementation for a CPU task dispatcher |
 PxDefaultErrorCallback | Default implementation of the error callback |
 PxDefaultFileInputData | Default implementation of a file read stream |
 PxDefaultFileOutputStream | Default implementation of a file write stream |
 PxDefaultMemoryInputData | Default implementation of a memory read stream |
 PxDefaultMemoryOutputStream | Default implementation of a memory write stream |
 PxDeletionEventFlag | Flags specifying deletion event types |
 PxDeletionListener | Interface to get notification on object deletion |
 PxDeserializationContext | Binary deserialization context class |
 PxDistanceJoint | Joint that maintains an upper or lower bound (or both) on the distance between two points on different objects |
 PxDistanceJointFlag | Flags for configuring the drive of a PxDistanceJoint |
 PxDominanceGroupPair | Expresses the dominance relationship of a contact. For the time being only three settings are permitted: |
 PxErrorCallback | User defined interface class. Used by the library to emit debug information |
 PxErrorCode | Error codes |
 PxExtendedVec3 | |
 PxFeatureContact | Extended contact point data including face (feature) indices |
 PxFilterData | PxFilterData is user-definable data which gets passed into the collision filtering shader and/or callback |
 PxFilterFlag | Collection of flags describing the filter actions to take for a collision pair |
 PxFilterObjectFlag | |
 PxFilterObjectType | Identifies each type of filter object |
 PxFilterOp | Collision filtering operations |
 PxFixedJoint | A fixed joint permits no relative movement between two bodies. ie the bodies are glued together |
 PxFixedSizeLookupTable | |
 PxFlags | Container for bitfield flag variables associated with a specific enum type |
 PxForceMode | Parameter to addForce() and addTorque() calls, determines the exact operation that is carried out |
 PxFoundation | Foundation SDK singleton class |
 PxFrictionType | Enum for selecting the friction algorithm used for simulation |
 PxGeometry | A geometry object |
 PxGeometryHolder | Geometry holder class |
 PxGeometryQuery | Collection of geometry object queries (sweeps, raycasts, overlaps, ...) |
 PxGeometryType | A geometry type |
 PxGpuCopyDesc | Input descriptor for the GpuDispatcher's built-in copy kernel |
 PxGpuCopyDescQueue | Container class for queueing PxGpuCopyDesc instances in pinned (non-pageable) CPU memory |
 PxGpuDispatcher | A GpuTask dispatcher |
 PxGpuTask | PxTask implementation for launching CUDA work |
 PxGpuTaskHint | Define the 'flavor' of a PxGpuTask |
 PxGroupsMask | 64-bit mask used for collision filtering |
 PxHeightField | A height field class |
 PxHeightFieldDesc | Descriptor class for PxHeightField |
 PxHeightFieldFlag | Enum with flag values to be used in PxHeightFieldDesc.flags |
 PxHeightFieldFormat | Describes the format of height field samples |
 PxHeightFieldGeometry | Height field geometry class |
 PxHeightFieldMaterial | Special material index values for height field samples |
 PxHeightFieldSample | Heightfield sample format |
 PxHeightFieldTessFlag | Determines the tessellation of height field cells |
 PxHitBuffer | Returns scene query hits (intersections) to the user in a preallocated buffer |
 PxHitCallback | This callback class facilitates reporting scene query hits (intersections) to the user |
 PxHitFlag | Scene query and geometry query behavior flags |
 PxHullPolygon | Polygon data |
 PxInputData | Input data class for I/O which provides random read access |
 PxInputStream | Input stream class for I/O |
 PxJoint | Base interface providing common functionality for PhysX joints |
 PxJointActorIndex | Enumeration for specifying one or other of the actors referenced by a joint |
 PxJointAngularLimitPair | |
 PxJointConcreteType | Enumeration of PhysX' built-in joint types |
 PxJointLimitCone | Describes an elliptical conical joint limit. Note that very small or highly elliptical limit cones may result in jitter |
 PxJointLimitParameters | Describes the parameters for a joint limit |
 PxJointLinearLimit | Describes a one-sided linear limit |
 PxJointLinearLimitPair | Describes a two-sided limit |
 PxJointRepXSerializer | |
 PxLightCpuTask | A PxBaseTask implementation with immediate execution and simple dependencies |
 PxLocationHit | Scene query hit information for raycasts and sweeps returning hit position and normal information |
 PxLockedData | Parent class for bulk data that is shared between the SDK and the application |
 PxMat33 | 3x3 matrix class |
 PxMat44 | 4x4 matrix class |
 PxMaterial | Material class to represent a set of surface properties |
 PxMaterialFlag | Flags which control the behavior of a material |
 PxMeshCookingHint | Enumeration for mesh cooking hints |
 PxMeshFlag | Enum with flag values to be used in PxSimpleTriangleMesh::flags |
 PxMeshGeometryFlag | Some flags to control the simulated behavior of the mesh geometry |
 PxMeshOverlapUtil | Utility class to find mesh triangles touched by a specified geometry object |
 PxMeshPreprocessingFlag | Enum for the set of mesh pre-processing parameters |
 PxMeshQuery | |
 PxMeshScale | A class expressing a nonuniform scaling transformation |
 PxMetaDataEntry | Struct to store meta data definitions |
 PxMetaDataFlag | Flags used to configure binary meta data entries, typically set through PX_DEF_BIN_METADATA defines |
 PxModifiableContact | A modifiable contact point. This has additional fields per-contact to permit modification by user |
 PxModifyContactHeader | Extended header structure for modifiable contacts |
 PxObstacle | Base class for obstacles |
 PxObstacleContext | Context class for obstacles |
 PxOutputStream | Output stream class for I/O |
 PxOverlapBufferN | Returns touching overlap hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class |
 PxOverlapHit | Stores results of overlap queries |
 PxPackValidation | |
 PxPadding | |
 PxPairFlag | Collection of flags describing the actions to take for a collision pair |
 PxParticleBase | The particle base class represents the shared module for particle based simulation. This class can't be instantiated |
 PxParticleBaseFlag | ParticleBase flags |
 PxParticleCreationData | Descriptor-like user-side class describing buffers for particle creation |
 PxParticleExt | |
  IndexPool | Class to manage particle indices. Extension particle index management can be useful if no application side particle index allocation functionality is available. An PxParticleExt::IndexPool instance is meant to be used for one PxParticleSystem/PxParticleFluid instance. The instance can be created with PxParticleExt::createIndexPool() |
  ParticleBounds | |
 PxParticleFlag | |
 PxParticleFluid | The particle fluid class represents the main module for particle based fluid simulation. SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) is used to animate the particles. This class inherits the properties of the PxParticleBase class and adds particle-particle interactions |
 PxParticleFluidReadData | Data layout descriptor for reading fluid particle data from the SDK |
 PxParticleReadData | Data layout descriptor for reading particle data from the SDK |
 PxParticleReadDataFlag | |
 PxParticleSystem | The particle system class represents the main module for particle based simulation |
 PxPhysics | Abstract singleton factory class used for instancing objects in the Physics SDK |
 PxPhysicsInsertionCallback | PxPhysicsInsertionCallback does provide interface from PxCooking to be able to insert TriangleMesh or HeightfieldMesh directly into PxPhysics without the need of storing the cooking results into stream |
 PxPlane | Representation of a plane |
 PxPlaneGeometry | Class describing a plane geometry |
 PxPlatform | |
 PxPrismaticJoint | A prismatic joint permits relative translational movement between two bodies along an axis, but no relative rotational movement |
 PxPrismaticJointFlag | Flags specific to the prismatic joint |
 PxProcessPxBaseCallback | Callback class used to process PxBase objects |
 PxPruningStructure | Pruning structure used to accelerate scene queries |
 PxPS3Config | This class provides the interface to control memory budget and the number of SPUs used in a specific phase |
 PxPS3ConfigParam | This struct contains the parameter definitions to use with PxPS3Config |
 PxPvdUpdateType | |
 PxQuat | This is a quaternion class. For more information on quaternion mathematics consult a mathematics source on complex numbers |
 PxQueryCache | Single hit cache for scene queries |
 PxQueryFilterCallback | Scene query filtering callbacks |
 PxQueryFilterData | Scene query filtering data |
 PxQueryFlag | Filtering flags for scene queries |
 PxQueryHit | Scene query hit information |
 PxQueryHitType | Classification of scene query hits (intersections) |
 PxRaycastBufferN | Returns touching raycast hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class |
 PxRaycastHit | Stores results of raycast queries |
 PxRenderBuffer | Interface for points, lines, triangles, and text buffer |
 PxRepXInstantiationArgs | Arguments required to instantiate a serializable object from RepX |
 PxRepXObject | Helper class containing the mapping of id to object, and type name |
 PxRepXSerializer | Serializer interface for RepX (Xml) serialization |
 PxRevoluteJoint | A joint which behaves in a similar way to a hinge or axle |
 PxRevoluteJointFlag | Flags specific to the Revolute Joint |
 PxRigidActor | PxRigidActor represents a base class shared between dynamic and static rigid bodies in the physics SDK |
 PxRigidBody | PxRigidBody is a base class shared between dynamic rigid body objects |
 PxRigidBodyExt | Utility functions for use with PxRigidBody and subclasses |
 PxRigidBodyFlag | Collection of flags describing the behavior of a rigid body |
 PxRigidDynamic | PxRigidDynamic represents a dynamic rigid simulation object in the physics SDK |
 PxRigidStatic | PxRigidStatic represents a static rigid body simulation object in the physics SDK |
 PxScene | A scene is a collection of bodies, particle systems and constraints which can interact |
 PxSceneDesc | Descriptor class for scenes. See PxScene |
 PxSceneFlag | Flags for configuring properties of the scene |
 PxSceneLimits | Class used to retrieve limits(e.g. maximum number of bodies) for a scene. The limits are used as a hint to the size of the scene, not as a hard limit (i.e. it will be possible to create more objects than specified in the scene limits) |
 PxSceneReadLock | RAII wrapper for the PxScene read lock |
 PxSceneWriteLock | RAII wrapper for the PxScene write lock |
 PxScopedCudaLock | Convenience class for holding CUDA lock within a scope |
 PxSerialization | Utility functions for serialization |
  PxXmlMiscParameter | Additional PxScene and PxPhysics options stored in XML serialized data |
 PxSerializationContext | Binary serialization context class |
 PxSerializationRegistry | Class serving as a registry for XML (RepX) and binary serializable types |
 PxSerializer | Serialization interface class |
 PxSerializerDefaultAdapter | Default PxSerializer implementation |
 PxShape | Abstract class for collision shapes |
 PxShapeExt | Utility functions for use with PxShape |
 PxShapeFlag | Flags which affect the behavior of PxShapes |
 PxSimpleContact | Base contact point data |
 PxSimpleTriangleMesh | A structure describing a triangle mesh |
 PxSimulationEventCallback | An interface class that the user can implement in order to receive simulation events |
 PxSimulationFilterCallback | Filter callback to specify handling of collision pairs |
 PxSimulationOrder | The order in which collide and solve are run in a normal simulation time-step |
 PxSimulationStatistics | Class used to retrieve statistics for a simulation step |
 PxSpatialIndex | Direct access to PhysX' Spatial Query engine |
 PxSpatialIndexItem | |
 PxSpatialLocationCallback | Callback class for raycast and sweep queries against PxSpatialIndex |
 PxSpatialOverlapCallback | Callback class for overlap queries against PxSpatialIndex |
 PxSphereGeometry | A class representing the geometry of a sphere |
 PxSphericalJoint | A joint which behaves in a similar way to a ball and socket |
 PxSphericalJointFlag | Flags specific to the spherical joint |
 PxSpring | |
 PxSpuDispatcher | A PxSpuDispatcher |
 PxSpuTask | A task to be executed on one or more SPUs |
 PxStridedData | |
 PxStrideIterator | Iterator class for iterating over arrays of data that may be interleaved with other data |
 PxStringTable | Table to manage strings. Strings allocated through this object are expected to be owned by this object |
 PxStringTableExt | Factory class for creating PxStringTable with a specific allocator |
 PxSweepBufferN | Returns touching sweep hits to the user in a fixed size array embedded in the buffer class |
 PxSweepHit | Stores results of sweep queries |
 PxTask | A PxBaseTask implementation with deferred execution and full dependencies |
 PxTaskManager | The PxTaskManager interface |
 PxTaskType | Identifies the type of each heavyweight PxTask object |
 PxTolerancesScale | Class to define the scale at which simulation runs. Most simulation tolerances are calculated in terms of the values here |
 PxTransform | Class representing a rigid euclidean transform as a quaternion and a vector |
 PxTriangle | Triangle class |
 PxTriangleMesh | A triangle mesh, also called a 'polygon soup' |
 PxTriangleMeshDesc | Descriptor class for PxTriangleMesh |
 PxTriangleMeshFlag | Flags for the mesh geometry properties |
 PxTriangleMeshGeometry | Triangle mesh geometry class |
 PxTriggerPair | Descriptor for a trigger pair |
 PxTriggerPairFlag | Collection of flags providing information on trigger report pairs |
 PxTypedStridedData | |
 PxTypeInfo | Structure containing per-type information for types inheriting from PxBase |
 PxUserControllerHitReport | User callback class for character controller events |
 PxVec2 | 2 Element vector class |
 PxVec3 | 3 Element vector class |
 PxVec4 | 4 Element vector class |
 PxVehicleAckermannGeometryData | |
 PxVehicleAutoBoxData | |
 PxVehicleChassisData | |
 PxVehicleClutchAccuracyMode | Choose between a potentially more expensive but more accurate solution to the clutch model or a potentially cheaper but less accurate solution |
 PxVehicleClutchData | |
 PxVehicleConcreteType | An enumeration of concrete vehicle classes inheriting from PxBase |
 PxVehicleConcurrentUpdateData | Structure containing data that is computed for a vehicle and its wheels during concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which cannot be safely concurrently applied |
 PxVehicleCopyDynamicsMap | Used by PxVehicleCopyDynamicsData |
 PxVehicleDifferential4WData | |
 PxVehicleDifferentialNWData | |
 PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceToTireFrictionPairs | Friction for each combination of driving surface type and tire type |
 PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceType | Driving surface type. Each PxMaterial is associated with a corresponding PxVehicleDrivableSurfaceType |
 PxVehicleDrive | A complete vehicle with instance dynamics data and configuration data for wheels and engine,clutch,gears,autobox |
 PxVehicleDrive4W | Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with up to 4 driven wheels and up to 16 non-driven wheels |
 PxVehicleDrive4WControl | The control inputs for a PxVehicleDrive4W |
 PxVehicleDrive4WRawInputData | Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from analog and digital inputs |
 PxVehicleDrive4WWheelOrder | The ordering of the driven and steered wheels of a PxVehicleDrive4W |
 PxVehicleDriveDynData | Data structure with instanced dynamics data for vehicle with engine, clutch, gears, autobox |
 PxVehicleDriveNW | Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with up to PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS driven wheels |
 PxVehicleDriveNWControl | The control inputs for a PxVehicleDriveNW |
 PxVehicleDriveNWRawInputData | Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from analog and digital inputs |
 PxVehicleDriveSimData | Data structure describing non-wheel configuration data of a vehicle that has engine, gears, clutch, and auto-box |
 PxVehicleDriveSimData4W | Data structure describing the drive model components of a vehicle with up to 4 driven wheels and up to 16 un-driven wheels. The drive model incorporates engine, clutch, gears, autobox, differential, and Ackermann steer correction |
 PxVehicleDriveSimDataNW | Data structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to PX_MAX_NB_WHEELS driven equally through the differential. The vehicle has an engine, clutch, gears, autobox, differential |
 PxVehicleDriveTank | Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a tank |
 PxVehicleDriveTankControl | The control inputs for a PxVehicleDriveTank |
 PxVehicleDriveTankControlModel | Two driving models are supported |
 PxVehicleDriveTankRawInputData | Used to produce smooth analog tank control values from analog and digital inputs |
 PxVehicleDriveTankWheelOrder | The ordering of the wheels of a PxVehicleDriveTank |
 PxVehicleEngineData | |
 PxVehicleGearsData | |
 PxVehicleKeySmoothingData | Used to produce smooth vehicle driving control values from key inputs |
 PxVehicleNoDrive | Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with no drive model |
 PxVehiclePadSmoothingData | Used to produce smooth analog vehicle control values from analog inputs |
 PxVehicleSuspensionData | |
 PxVehicleTireData | |
 PxVehicleTireLoadFilterData | Tire load variation can be strongly dependent on the time-step so it is a good idea to filter it to give less jerky handling behavior |
 PxVehicleTypes | |
 PxVehicleUpdateMode | |
 PxVehicleWheelConcurrentUpdateData | Structure containing data that is computed for a wheel during concurrent calls to PxVehicleUpdates but which cannot be safely concurrently applied |
 PxVehicleWheelData | |
 PxVehicleWheelQueryResult | |
 PxVehicleWheels | Data structure with instanced dynamics data and configuration data of a vehicle with just wheels |
 PxVehicleWheelsDynData | Data structure with instanced dynamics data for wheels |
 PxVehicleWheelsSimData | Data structure describing configuration data of a vehicle with up to 20 wheels |
 PxVisualDebugger | Class to communicate with the PhysX Visual Debugger |
 PxVisualDebuggerConnectionFlag | |
 PxVisualDebuggerExt | |
 PxVisualDebuggerFlag | PVD Flags |
 PxVisualizationParameter | Debug visualization parameters |
 PxVolumeCache | Volumetric cache for local collision geometry |
  Iterator | A callback wrapper class for use with PxVolumeCache::forEach function |
 PxWheelQueryResult | Structure containing data describing the non-persistent state of each suspension/wheel/tire unit. This structure is filled out in PxVehicleUpdates and PxVehicleUpdateSingleVehicleAndStoreTelemetryData |
 RepXSerializerImpl | |